Requirements - making the vision more concrete

Guaranteed Housing

  • No private land ownership

  • choice of area, limited by land usage designation and infrastructure

  • new housing built as needed using efficient construction methods

  • maintenance provided by resident(s)

  • R & D of efficient construction methods supported

Guaranteed Healthcare

  • Research of new treatments effected and disseminated

  • Training of doctors and other healthcare professionals provided

  • Development and manufacturing of drugs provided

  • Development and manufacturing of medical equipment provided

  • Hospital and clinics built and maintained as required

Guaranteed Quality Food

Guaranteed Education

Unlimited Energy From Renewable Sources

Efficient Transportation Infrastructure

Robust Communications Infrastructure and Devices

Acquisition and Protection Of Natural Resources

  • Research in efficient food production effected and disseminated

  • Training for farmers and other food production professionals provided

  • Development and manufacturing of insecticides, pesticides, etc. effected

  • Development and manufacturing of food production equipment provided

  • Food production facilities built and maintained as required

  • Research in efficient energy production effected and disseminated

  • Training for energy production professionals provided

  • Development and manufacturing of energy production equipment provided

  • Energy production facilities built and maintained as required

  • Energy distribution infrastructure built and maintained as required

  • Research in efficient transportation methodologies effected and disseminated

  • Training for transportation planning and implementation professionals provided

  • Development and manufacturing of efficient transportation equipment provided

  • Research in next generation computing and communications effected and disseminated

  • Development and manufacturing of computer and communications equipment provided

  • Data distribution infrastructure built and maintained as required

  • Research in the latest and most efficient teaching methodologies effected and disseminated

  • Development of general education curriculum for ages 4 through 16 with an emphasis on critical thinking and cooperative development

  • Training for general education teaching professionals

  • Teaching infrastructure built and maintained as required

  • Research in the latest and most efficient recycling technologies

  • Oversight of all land and water usage to guarantee necessary and optimal usage

  • Training for resources usage professionals

  • Resources management infrastructure built and maintained as required

Enhanced Quality Of Life

  • Utilize technology as much of possible to maximize people's free time

  • Allow for unlimited education and training in any of the areas specified above